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VGA vs. HDMI: What’s the Difference?

There are common video connectors, including DVI, VGA, and HDMI. Among these, Video Graphics Array (VGA) is an older analog standard used for old devices, while High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI)...

HDMI extender

The Ultimate Guide to HDMI Extenders

HDMI cables are widely used in home entertainment and professional settings, but sometimes a standard HDMI cable may not be long enough to transmit video and audio signals. In addition, the...

Fiber optic HDMI cable

What is Fiber Optic HDMI Cable?

HDMI is a well-known technology designed for transmitting audio and video. What does HDMI mean? It refers to High Definition Multimedia Interface. But have you ever heard of fiber optic HDMI cable?...


DVI vs. HDMI: A Detailed Comparison

DVI and HDMI may look different, but both are designed to carry uncompressed digital video to a TV or computer’s display. The main difference between the two is that HDMI can transmit both...


USB-C vs. HDMI: A Complete Guide Introduction

In modern life, different ports and interfaces are essential for connectivity. USB-C and HDMI are widely used to connect devices to displays. Both HDMI and USB-C are essential for a...

ARC vs. eARC

ARC vs. eARC: Which is Better for Your AV Setup?

Audio quality plays a crucial role in affecting your viewing experience. HDMI, referring to High-Definition Multimedia Interface, is one of the most popular ways to transmit both audio and video signals....

A quick guide to HDMI over Ethernet

A Quick Guide to HDMI over Ethernet

HDMI is one of the most common interfaces used in the field of audio and video transmission. However, HDMI cables have limitations for long-distance transmission. How do you break the...

HDMI Splitter vs. HDMI Switch

HDMI Splitter vs. HDMI Switch: What Are Key Differences?

Imagine setting up your living room for the perfect movie night with Blu-ray players and streaming devices but only to find your TV lacks enough HDMI ports. Or consider displaying...